Just not in Atlanta anymore...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Harry had a point

You all know the scene.

When Harry met Sally's famous lunch discussion about how men and women cannot be friends. Harry insists that in order for a man to want to be friends with a woman, he is most likely attracted to her, and if a man is attracted to a woman, eventually his attraction will lead him to have feelings and/or want to have sex with her. Even those he's not attracted to, sex will still get in his head eventually and lead to the friendship's ultimate demise.

For nearly twenty years, I have argued the exact opposite point. I insisted that I was living proof that men and women could be friends without sex getting in the way because I had successfully maintained a lifetime of male friendships without any problems (ok, very few anyway). But today, after some intense self loathing, I've decided to admit that (deep breath)... I was wrong.

(Straight) Men and (straight) women cannot be friends.

Because even if sex does not get in the way, something else definitely will. This is not to say that women can successfully hold friendships with ANY species, women, men, dogs, or else. Okay, maybe dogs. But specifically for this entry, allow me to address the problems with the male/female friendship at least from a female perspective.

1. The first is most definitely Sex/Attraction. As much as you try and deny it (women), if your male besty is in the least bit attractive, you've wondered at least once what being with him would be like... at least with regards to a relationship, if not in reference to some sheets. You might have even told him some drunken night how you feel about him, or you say it jokingly all the time because you know he'll never take you seriously. But in reality, you're hoping just once he'll admit to being secretly in love with you too, and then you'll live happily ever after and tell your grandkids the story of your friendship-turned-romance. Whomp whomp. Not gonna happen... at least not statistically speaking anyway. As soon as you spill the beans and/or sex/relationships/love gets in the way, there's no going back to old pals. One of you will never be able to look the other one the same way again.

2. And then there's Jealousy. You know, that feeling you get when you're wearing shoes on a day that ends in y. Meaning not often, of course. Maybe you've seen one of his girlfriends and started to compare yourself to her and decided you're better for him by far. Or you even subconsciously attempted to sabotage his relationship when you saw how happy he was and wondered if he'd be that happy with you. And of course you get angry when he starts to spend all his time with her, taking away from the time he usually spends kickin' it with you... Telling her his deepest darkest secrets when he used to tell you. Sharing some secret codes or inside jokes that he only had with you... Which always leads to the ultimate "choose" situation that either you or she (most likely the latter) will evoke, and of course he will choose the vagina over you. And goodbye friendship. Because even if he decides he made a mistake (aka it doesn't work out between them two), you're not some toy that can be put aside when a better one comes along and then picked back up at his liking. Uggghhh!

3. This third one is most familiar to me these days. I like to call it Betrayal. It's when he stabs you in the back because as both a male and a friend, he gets stuck between a rock and a hard place and chooses the hard place (yes homo). For instance, perhaps all the hanging out you do allows him to get close to one of your best female friends, and then when you and her get into your (inevitable) cat fights, he takes her side and you've been friends with him all your life and he's known that trick like 5 months and how dare he... Or maybe they keep their little relationship on the DL (from only you because they think you will feel left out and/or won't approve), and when you find out, you feel like you just lost your two best friends because they couldn't even trust you enough to tell you something like that or that they lied to you in the first place... Better still, you start dating one of his friends and when that guy cheats or lies to you, Mr. Male Friend not only knows about it and chooses to keep it from you, but he's in on it because he's trying so hard to put bros before hos that he forgets you were supposedly like a sister to him. Not to mention you're one of the reasons they started being friends in the first place. So now you feel like your so-called friend never gave a crap about you at all. And it breaks your heart to even think of him, much less talk to him or see him ever again.

If it's not one of these things, I guarantee it will be something else. Think about it, how many grown adults (like your parents' age) do you know with best friends of the opposite sex?? Probably the same as me... 0. The thing is, I guarantee you they did once, and they don't anymore. Because it doesn't work out.
The bottom line is, males and females just cannot be close friends. Okay, friends, yes. By that I mean talk every few months and rarely hang out and definitely don't know each other's deepest darkest secrets. But if you have a friend of the opposite sex that you consider one of your bestest friends, my advice is to run now and run fast. Don't wait for the inevitable. Because it only gets worse with age and time. And when it does happen, it will hurt so much more than you could ever imagine.

Trust me. I should know.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Spare some change

Okay, okay. In my defense, I didn't have a laptop cord for like 6 weeks throughout November and part of December. There were times I wanted to write, but I couldn't bare to sit at my desk in that cold computer room in the middle of the night just to blog to no one. I especially had some fun topics for post-election drizzle (fo shizzle). But I missed all that. And I feel like part of myself is missing, too.

Here goes it.

A friend recently (like 5 minutes ago) asked me what has changed in me in the past year since I started this blog. Looking back at my first entries, I realized what changed in me is the thing that made me who I was... what changed in me was the change in me.

Last year, I was becoming the person I had always wanted to be... I was in love with Jesus and I eventually loved myself as a result. I was working on being a good person and doing the right things, and I stood my ground and kept myself pure in many ways. It was a good road to be on. And I don't know if it was the trip to Uganda (or unfortunate companions) or the culture shock of coming back to this world, but something happened along the way (what used to be happy was sad...) and now I feel like I'm back at one.

What makes it so easy to go back, and so hard to move forward?

Is change not change no matter which direction?

Why is it that it took me 2 years to be "good" and only 2 months to get... ugly? It's like weight (a subject I know all too well). It could take you a month to gain back something it took a year to lose. Losing weight takes a lot of time, energy, and money. And so does losing bad habits. I haven't been able to do either since my last entry. And I'm just starting to understand why.

It's mostly our own fears that keep us from doing the right thing, but it has a bit to do with other people as well. Sometimes I think, well everyone already thinks I'm this way, and everyone's going to think it's fake if I try and change, so I may as well stay the same. But that's ridiculous. Why am I going to sacrifice my salvation so others won't think I'm fake? What will those people mean in the end anyway? I'm the only one who has to live for me, so what does it even matter?

We have to stop letting our fears get in the way of our blessings. If I know what I need to be, and I'm not that, then nothing's stopping me but myself. I have no obligation to that self-fulfilling prophecy to be whatever it is everyone says I am. Every day I get the chance to change into whomever I want to be. That's the beauty of being saved. My mistakes yesterday don't affect my chances to be better tomorrow.

You can be different... And if you're not Jesus, you probably should be different.

If you were waiting for some sign from God in order to change your life, let this be it. You don't have to be perfect in order to be better. You just have to be better.


I know this is a bit introspective but it's been awhile. Just had to get that off my chest. Bare with me.