Just not in Atlanta anymore...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

NOT does not mean CAN'T

Let's forget about my political/religious/social platform for a minute. Something has been on my mind lately that I need to get out somewhere, and why have a blog if I can't put my personal feelings here, too, right? Right. Thanks.

Why do females really think they're so damn special?? I mean, this is hard without being too specific but really... I'm so tired of some of my female friends thinking they're the only ones going through what they're going through, or who do what they do. I can't even verbalize my frustration. It's not all my friends; honesly, I have some female friends who really do got it like that but don't feel the need to talk about it. But then there's the ones who say things like "It's different for me because I have men trying to get with me all the time," or "It's different for me because I'm so nice it's hard for me to turn men down," or "My situation is different because I'm not that pressed over him." Or my favorite... "You don't know how I feel because you've never been in this situation before." Have you ever heard any of that out someone's mouth? IT'S ALL A LIE!

What are you trying to say exactly, that because I'm not dating anyone, it means men aren't approaching me just as much as you? Give me a break. Do you really see yourself as that much more attractive than me? Because you're NOT. And even if men weren't trying to get at me, it would probably be because I don't put myself out there like I want every man I meet.

And are you trying to say you're nice like I'm MEAN? I'm not mean honey, I'm just not weak. Not being able to tell men no is not a kindness; it's a weakness.

And you ARE that pressed over him, if you weren't you wouldn't be talking about him all the time/wasting your time with him/stalking him/calling him/telling everyone you're his "favorite girl"/whatever.

And PLEASE child, we have ALL been there. You are not the only woman who has ever been stuck on a man or dating several men at once or catching feelings for someone with a girlfriend or so lonely you're dating losers or helpless over some idiot who treats you like crap or putting some man before God. We have ALL been there once or twice and those of us who made those mistakes are exactly the ones who CAN give you advice; so stop saying "You act like you weren't this way with whatshisface" because I WAS and I MOVED ON which is EXACTLY why I know you can do better.

Furthermore, have you ever thought about the fact that you might be offending people with all your talk about it being "different for me because..."? "Different" implies that I am the opposite of whatever comes after the "because". No, I'm not dating. But that doesn't mean I've never dated anyone before. No, I'm not having sex. But let's not forget that I was not always abstinent. No, I don't believe in cheating or having an affair with someone who's in a relationship. But that doesn't mean I haven't been that girl before. No, I don't have a problem telling people "no." But that doesn't mean I haven't been weak before. And NO, I AM NOT IN AN UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN WHO LIES TO ME AND TREATS ME LIKE SHIT BUT LET'S NOT FORGET I WAS THERE FOR 3 LONG YEARS!!!!!!!

Do you really think you're so special???? Get over yourself.

I CHOSE this lifestyle. It's not some default cuz I can't get no man. I CHOOSE to be alone; that doesn't mean I'm not happy or that I can't waste my time with someone the way you do. Stop trying to play me like "I'M NOT" is code for "I CAN'T". Cuz if I wanted to be like you (and like I was before), I would. I CHOOSE not to.

And if you could see the view from here, you would make that choice, too.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I just let out a big SIGH. If I don't wanna run off and show that to certain females in my life AH! Stop having similar issues and stealing them outta my head!